The future of work, made possible.

Forte is building a more effective model of talent development. One that can operate at the scale required to bring opportunity to hundreds of millions, and solve the world’s biggest re-skilling challenges.

By 2030, over one billion people will need retraining. But the quantity and quality of spending on talent development is lagging - and people are being left behind by digital disruption.

Forte stands for Financing Of Return To Employment. We enable high-quality talent development at any scale - with an innovative financing approach that perfectly aligns incentives.

We need a new way to develop talent at scale.


The number of people who need retraining in the next decade - due to AI, robotics, automation, green transitions, and other factors.


More than 92% of the world’s population face financial barriers to high-quality education.


This many people will be left behind based on current projected funding - leaving millions without access to the dignity of secure work, and entire economies leaving trillions of dollars in economic output on the table.

Talent development, the way it should be.

Effective training for the jobs of the future

We provide governments with access to the world’s best training providers and courses. We benchmark all training providers in our platform with a rigorous standardised methodology.

More than hard-skills training

Hard-skills training alone is not enough to ensure course completion and to unlock potential. We make real-time complementary investments in people to remove blockers to course completion and increase employment success.

No cost, no debt

Students pay no fees whatsoever - now or in the future. We remove socio-economic barriers to opportunity, enabling people to access high-quality education irrespective of capacity to pay. The days of education debt stress are over.

A better student experience

Students apply in one place, not to ten different providers, and we are a trusted partner supporting them every step of the way. We’re not selling them courses they don’t need. Our only interest is to see them succeed.

Data-driven decision making

Real-time tracking of the effectiveness of different training providers and courses means we can intervene early, and improve student outcomes - while giving governments and investors a live-view of their impact.

Multi-year support

We support students well beyond training completion, to ensure their long term success. So if they lose a job after a year or two, we help them get a new great job as quickly as possible.

We enable high-quality education at no cost to individuals, and no upfront cost to governments.

Our innovative financing model means students receive fee-free training and governments pay nothing upfront. Instead, they pass back a portion of the increase in income tax paid by people who went through training for a set period of time. This unique approach means governments never pay for something that doesn't work. They can pay for people's training, with people's future tax revenue.

Our leadership team

Dr Nat Ware

Founder & CEO

Edward Miller

Managing Director

Federica Grazi

Government Relations Director (EMEA)

Mikaela Squirchuk

Director of Education & Training

Sergio Claux

Regional Director (LatAm)

Sam Levine

Investments Director

Jorge Colmenares

Country Manager (Costa Rica)

Board of directors

Arik Ahitov

Investment Director, Chapman Office

Simon Cant

Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Reinventure

Jessica Farr-Jones

Portfolio Manager, Regal Funds Management

Hisham Elhaddad

Co-Founder and Managing Partner, HOF Capital

We have over 50 training provider partners, including:

Supporting Partners

Forte funds training at no upfront cost to individuals or governments. Their unique financing model allows governments to invest in training today, by allocating a portion of future tax revenues they wouldn't otherwise have. It's a solution to financing training at the scale required, that pays for itself.

World Economic Forum

Davos Agenda

Investors & Partners

Partner with us

If you’re an individual or organization wanting to transform lives in the most effective and scalable way, we’d love to hear from you.

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